WINDOWS environment - translation to german
Display virtual keyboard interface

WINDOWS environment - translation to german

%SystemRoot%; %SystemDrive%; C:\WINDOWS; Environment variables; Env var; LC ALL; Environment (computing); Shell variable; Printenv; AppData; Environmental variable; %SYSTEMROOT%; $HOME; System variable; LD LIBRARY PATH; LIBPATH; LIBPATH (AIX); PROMPT (environment variable); Master environment; Pre-environment; Reserved environment variable; Master environment variable; Local environment variable; Local environment (computing); Local environment (DOS); Master environment (DOS); Pre-environment variable; Environment segment; Environment segment (computing); Environment segment (DOS); %APPEND%; %CONFIG%; %CMDLINE%; %COMSPEC%; %COPYCMD%; %DIRCMD%; %LANG%; %LANGSPEC%; %NO SEP%; %PATH%; %PROMPT%; %TEMP%; %TMP%; System environment; System environment (computing); System environment (DOS); System information variable; System information variable (computing); System information variable (DOS); $CLS (environment variable); Pseudo-environment variable; Unix environment variable; DOS environment variable; GEM environment variable; OS/2 environment variable; Windows environment variable; DOS pseudo-environment variable; Windows pseudo-environment variable; Dynamic environment variable; Dynamic environment variable (Microsoft); Dynamic environment variable (Windows); Dynamic environment variable (CMD); Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND.COM); Dynamic environment variable (DOS); System info variable; System information variable (COMMAND.COM); DOS system information variable; DOS system info variable; Internal variable (4DOS); Internal variable (4OS2); Internal variable (4NT); Internal variable (JP Software); 4DOS internal variable; 4OS2 internal variable; 4NT internal variable; 4DOS variable function; 4OS2 variable function; 4NT variable function; Variable function (4DOS); Variable function (4OS2); Variable function (4NT); Variable function (JP Software); JP Software variable function; JP Software internal variable; Dynamic environment variable (COMMAND); System information variable (COMMAND); DR-DOS system information variable; Novell DOS system information variable; Novell system information variable; OpenDOS system information variable; Caldera system information variable; RETURN (DOS command); %DRDOSCFG%; %NWDOSCFG%; %OPENDOSCFG%; %DRCOMSPEC%; %DRSYS%; %HOMEDIR%; %CMDCMDLINE%; %CMDEXTVERSION%; %RANDOM%; %TIME%; %SWITCHAR%; %PEXEC%; %OS%; %NOSOUND%; %NOCHAR%; %LOGINNAME%; %INFO%; %$DIR%; %$PAGE%; %$LENGTH%; %$WIDTH%; %VER%; %YESCHAR%; %$CLS%; %TASKMGRWINDIR%; %$SLICE%; %$ON%; %$OFF%; %$HEADER%; %$FOOTER%; %ERRORLEVEL%; %ERRORLVL%; %HOUR%; %HOUR24%; %MINUTE%; %MONTH%; %SECOND%; %YEAR%; %/%; %STATION%; %MDOS EXEC%; %AM PM%; %GREETING TIME%; %MONTH NAME%; %NDAY OF WEEK%; %OS VERSION%; %SHORT YEAR%; %LOGIN NAME%; %P STATION%; %FULL NAME%; % YEAR%; % CODEPAGE%; % COLUMNS%; % COUNTRY%; % DAY%; % HOUR%; % MINUTE%; % MONTH%; % ROWS%; % SECOND%; MS-DOS environment; FBP USER (environment variable); FBP USER; BEGINLIBPATH (environment variable); BEGINLIBPATH; ENDLIBPATH (environment variable); ENDLIBPATH; Unset (Unix); C\WINDOWS; System variables; CD (pseudo-environment variable); %DIRSIZE%; %NEWFILE%; %COMM%; %HTTP DIR%; %HOSTNAME%; %FTPDIR%; %TZ%; %SOCKETS%; %LIBPATH%; LIBPATH (environment variable); Windir (Windows environment variable); Windir (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (Windows environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA (environment variable); LOCALAPPDATA; ProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles (environment variable); ProgramFiles; ProgramFiles(x86) (Windows environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86) (environment variable); ProgramFiles(x86); ProgramW6432; ProgramW6432 (environment variable); ProgramW6432 (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles; CommonProgramFiles (Windows environment variable); CommonProgramFiles (environment variable); SystemDrive (Windows environment variable); SystemDrive (environment variable); SystemDrive; SystemRoot; SystemRoot (environment variable); SystemRoot (Windows environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE (environment variable); ALLUSERSPROFILE; ALLUSERSPROFILE (Windows environment variable); PROGRAMDATA (environment variable); PROGRAMDATA; PROGRAMDATA (Windows environment variable); USERDOMAIN (environment variable); USERDOMAIN; USERDOMAIN (Windows environment variable); USERPROFILE (environment variable); USERPROFILE; USERPROFILE (Windows environment variable); APPDATA (environment variable); APPDATA; APPDATA (Windows environment variable); %APPDATA%; %LOCALAPPDATA%; %ProgramFiles%; %ProgramFiles(x86)%; %ProgramW6432%; %CommonProgramFiles%; %ALLUSERSPROFILE%; %PROGRAMDATA%; %USERDOMAIN%; %USERPROFILE%; %windir%; CMDLINE (environment variable); CONFIG (environment variable); $LD LIBRARY PATH; %HOMEDRIVE%; %HOMEPATH%; Setenv; Unsetenv; Environment string

WINDOWS environment      
Fenster-Umwelt (bei Computer)
  • Versions before Windows 95 had to be installed from [[floppy disk]]s by end users (or in professional environments with a network installation), here Windows for Workgroups with nine 3.5-inch-disks to be inserted sequentially.
Windows; Windows operating system; Microsoft windows; Windows (operating system); MS Windows; MS-Windows; Freedows OS; Alliance OS; MSWindows; MSWin; Ms windows; Windows OS; Windows (OS); 32-bit Windows; PC Windows; Windows (Operating system); Windows Applications; Windows the operating system; Windows computers; Windows os; Microsoft windows os; Microsoft windows operating system; MsWindows; Windwos; Apptimum; WINDOWS; Windows (Operating System); Windows PC; MICROSOFT WINDOWS; Widnows; Windows®; Mswin; Windows Microsoft; Windows Operating System; Security vulnerabilities in Microsoft Windows; Draft:Windowss; Security features of Microsoft Windows; Windows 365; Windows-like; Version control systems for Microsoft Windows; Timeline of Microsoft Windows releases; Alternative implementations of Microsoft Windows
MS-Windows (Serviceprogramm für DOS der Firma Mikrosoft)
Windows XP         
  • An [[electroencephalograph]] running on Windows XP. The medical industry's continued use of Windows XP is partly due to medical applications being incompatible with later versions of Windows.
WinXP; Windows xp; Microsoft Windows XP; MSW XP; WindowsXP; MS Windows XP; Winxp; Windows XP Service Pack 2; Windows XP SP2; Micrsoft Windows XP; XP Service Pack 2; XP SP2; Win XP; Microsoft windows xp; Windows NT 5.1; Windows XP SP1; Windows Xp; Nt 5.1; Windows XP Service Pack 1; Windows 5.1; Windows nt 5.1; Windows XP Service Pack 3; Windows xp os; Windows xp operating system; Microsoft windows xp os; Microsoft windows xp operating system; Xp os; Xp operating system; Win xp; Windows XP typefaces; Windows XP SP3; XP SP3; Windwos XP; Windows XP service packs; Windows XP service pack; Windows XP Service Pack; Windows XP SP 3; MS XP; MSXP; XPSP2; XPSP3; Windows xp requirements; XP service pack 2; XP service pack 3; XP service pack 1; Service Pack 3; NT 5.1; XP (Windows); Windows Luna; Windows XP versions; Windows XP version; Windows XP version history; Windows 2002; Windows 2001; Windows (2001); Windows5.1; NT5.1; Windows Whistler Professional; Windows Whistler Personal
n. Windows XP, (Computer) WinXP, neueste Windows Betriebssystem Version (von Microsoft entwickelt)


<operating system> See Microsoft Windows, Windows NT. (1997-11-23)


Environment variable

An environment variable is a dynamic-named value that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer. Environment variables are part of the environment in which a process runs. For example, a running process can query the value of the TEMP environment variable to discover a suitable location to store temporary files, or the HOME or USERPROFILE variable to find the directory structure owned by the user running the process.

They were introduced in their modern form in 1979 with Version 7 Unix, so are included in all Unix operating system flavors and variants from that point onward including Linux and macOS. From PC DOS 2.0 in 1982, all succeeding Microsoft operating systems, including Microsoft Windows, and OS/2 also have included them as a feature, although with somewhat different syntax, usage and standard variable names.

Examples of use of WINDOWS environment
1. "With this announcement, Sun is creating the no–cost and open alternative to the Windows environment," the company said.
2. Although the product does work as promised in a Windows environment, it‘s clearly more at home in the Mac world, if my installation/operation experience is any indication (which it is, because I found that other Windows users had similar concerns). Installation on an XP laptop was smooth, but less so on a Windows 2000 machine.